Price increase for gloves: My Podologie takes stock!

August 1, 2024
Augmentation-tarifaire-des-gants-My-Podologie-fait-le-point My Podologie
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My Podologie takes stock of the situation!

For several weeks now, demand on the global market for hygiene products and protective equipment has been steadily increasing. Today, it is the sale of latex, vinyl and nitrile gloves that is affected. Indeed, the demand for disposable gloves on the global market is increasingly increasing, in the face of a much too low production volume of disposable gloves.

The demand for non-reusable gloves has increased sixfold in these times of coronavirus. Manufacturers cannot keep up with this pace without facing production and delivery time issues. My Podologie recently received the gloves needed for your business, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that you do not experience a stock shortage. By the end of the year, manufacturers expect that 10 to 20% of production capacity can be increased.

Limited availability of raw materials

In order to manufacture gloves, certain raw materials are needed. Due to the ever-increasing demand, these raw materials are running out of steam. This factor significantly limits the supply.

Production is geared towards bestsellers

Manufacturers are currently focusing on making the single-use gloves that sell the most and are most needed by consumers. Therefore, you should expect a production restriction regarding specific colors.

The impact on our customers

In order to compensate for the market imbalance between supply and demand, glove manufacturers are significantly increasing prices and are facing severe delivery restrictions. As a reseller of medical equipment, we are obliged to pass these price increases on to you, our customers. We must also limit purchase quantities because we want all healthcare professionals, and more particularly all chiropodists, to be able to work in suitable conditions. Therefore, you cannot purchase more than 5 boxes of gloves per order.

We ask for your understanding, and hope to be able to offer you gloves under better conditions soon.

The My Podologie team

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